8094 views / 13.10.2014 / ANNOUNCEMENTS in category...

Dear Business Partners,

As known, the regulation in effect has become effective upon being published in its final form in the Official Journal on 20th August 2014.

The PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATES OF PUBLIC HEALTH affiliated to the Ministry of Health are designated as the competent organisation responsible for the enforcement and supervision of the regulation.

Any issues required to be paid attention so that you shall not be subject to any penal action in our works and sales are given below for your information.


This license shall be obtained from the PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. THose dealers who do not hold this license may not sell water.

Any licenses obtained from other competent organisations earlier shall also be replaced. The process for obtaining a Water Sales License shall proceed as follows:

             a)- The workplace must hold a Workplace Opening and Operating License (Non-Sanitary Business License) obtained from the local municipality.

b)- iThere must also be a Hygiene Certificate evidencing that any one including the employees have gone under hygiene training. You may personally file an application with the Public Education courses in order to obtain the certificate. Unless there is any change, course fee is TRL 35,00 + VAT.

c)-  For the initial application, the layout plan or sketch of the place where water shall be sold may be manually drawn or you may download a map of your address from Internet and print it out. Once you have filed the relevant application with these documents, a TECHNICAL REPORT shall be issued and sent to you as a result of the necessary investigation. Once you have received the technical report, the following documents shall be issued and delivered in two copies:

·          Petition (letter stating your request for the Water Sales License)

·         Technical Report

·         Satışı yapılacak su listesi

·         Original and notarised copies of the dealer agreement

·       Layout plan and sketch of the workplace

·         Workplace opening and operating license obtained from the local municipality (NSB License)

·          Certificate evidencing that you have been trained in hygiene

·         Water Sales License obtaine earlier.


In case it is deemed proper by the competent directorate, a Water Sales License shall be issued and sent to you. In the event that there is any deficiency or discrepancy, then you shall be granted a grace period for correction.

d)- Conditions which the store must possess:

·         Empty and filled demijohns shall be stored in separate spaces in the store. Therefore, a section must have been divided for empty demijohns by means of PVC, plaster board, etc. partitions within the store.

·  Gas cylinders, petroleum products, hardware, chemical substances, etc. shall not definitely be kept in the store.

·       Floors and all walls shall be covered with a dirt-repellent, easy-to-wash and clean and anti-contamination material. There shall be water drains for the disposal of the waste waters to be created on the floor after washing.

·         The store shall be protected against sunlight, dust, smoke and heat.

·         There shall be a bathroom and washbasin in the storage area.

·    Any empty/filled demijohns shall not be placed in front of the stor efor advertising purposes.

 2- )   Means of Transport:

Likewise, a license shall be obtained for the means of transport as well. An application shall also be filed with the same directorate for this purpose.

 a-) Initial Application:

    ·    Traffic license plate numbers and pictures of the relevant vehicles shall be placed in a file and then an application is filed with the directorate. After the necessary investigation, a TECHNICAL REPORT is issued. Once you have received the technical report, the following documents shall be issued and delivered in two copies:

-          Petition

-         Technical Report

-         List of the traffic license plate numbers of the relevant vehicles

-      Certificates evidencing that those personel who shall drive the vehicles have been trained in hygiene

-        Traffic registration certificate

  In case it is deemed proper, then a license shall be issued to you for the vehicles.

 b-) Conditions which the vehicles must possess:

·        Water may not be definitely sold together with gas cylinders, petroleum products, chemical substances, etc. on the said vehicles.

·       The beds of the vehicles shall be boxed and/or have a system which shall protect the demijohns against the external weather elements.

·        Water may not be sold nor transported on flatbed vehicles.

·       There shall not be any agents which shall cause any scratches and deterioration on the demijohns.

·        Name of the water sales place, license date and number shall be printed on the right and left front doors of the vehicles.





                                           SABUNCULAR TARIM HAYVANCILIK GIDA SAN.TİC.AŞ